The Principal Entity (PE) needs to register with one of the Access providers to receive an Entity ID. Once the registration request is approved by the Registrar, the Principal Entity (PE) will receive the PE ID on his registered Email ID and mobile number.Continue Reading

Go to ,click on Principal Entity (PE) tab and select New registration option Select option “No” if you are registering for the first time on DLT Platform Select option “yes” if you have already registered with other access provider and received an entity ID Provide valid business PAN/TAN ,detailsContinue Reading

Principal Entity can Perform following functions: Register on DLT platform of operators by submitting all the valid details. Register all Headers and Templates on the platform. Select a Registered TeleMarketer and choose to give permission to send communication (SMS and Voice) on its behalf. Acquire Consent from customers and UploadContinue Reading

A commercial Business (Individual or company) dealing with products and services is considered as a Principal Entity (PE). As per TRAI’s Regulation, it is mandatory for every Principal Entity (PE) to register on DLT platform for commercial communication Classification of Principal Entity (PE) : Government Entity Non-Government Entity Cooperative SocietyContinue Reading

If you have completed Entity Registration, go on My TeleMarketers page, click on “Manage TeleMarketer” button. On manage TeleMarketer page search and add “Aadhaar Services” (SmsCart) with Telemarketer ID (1202159134477413700) by dragging from the “list of Telemarketers” and dropping the same in “My TeleMarketers” Now click on Apply Button. YourContinue Reading